Ms Felicia Goes Back to School

Plant 70 Aloe Vera (have to purchase this for 4 ranch cash) - Zasaď 70 aloe vera (je potřeba aktivovat za 4 RC, aktivace je trvalá)
Harvest 40 Aloe Vera - Skliď 70 aloe vera

Make 4 Aloe Vera Gel in the Beauty Shop - Vyrpb 4 gely z aloe vera

Make 5 Hand Mirrors in the Beauty Shop) - Vyrob 5 ručních zrcátek

Make 4 Fruit Tart in the Dessert Shop - Vyrob 4 ovocné dortíky

Produce 80 bottles of Lavender Essential Oil to calm Felicia’s nerves - Vyrob 80 levandulových esencí
Produce 20 bottles of Almond Essential Oil in the Essential Oil Machine - Vyrob 20 mandlových esencí

Produce 80 loaves of Raisin Bread in the Fruit Bread Machine - Vyrob 80 bochníku chleba s rozinkama
Produce 15 glasses of Lime Juice - Vyrob 15 sklenic limetkovýho džusu

Make 2 Welcome Wreaths in the Beauty Shop (10 violets, 10 eucalyptus leaves, 10 blue cornflowers per wreath)

Make 6 Happy Herbal Candles in the Beauty Shop (Win a White
Horse in the Classic Mission: American Week)
repuires 5 bees wax, 10 basil, 10 horse milk per candle

Ask for Stylish Lunch Boxes from Neighbors